Fencing, Drain and Land Reclamation Services

Telephone 01257 610021

Need specialist help to protect and restore land?

UK-wide experienced land reclamation service

For some kinds of construction work, such as laying drains or power lines, accessing other people’s land to carryout installations is unavoidable. These kinds of projects need specialist assistance – from erecting and dismantling the fences which protect the site through to restoring the land once the work is complete.

At Fence & Drain we are extremely experienced at working alongside public services and utility companies, our satisfied clients include United Utilities, National Grid, Balfour Beatty and Network Rail.

Our highly skilled and CHAS accredited team is happy to work to tight deadlines, respond to urgent requests and work closely with your other contractors. We’ll erect your fencing quickly while respecting the property to ensure minimal disruption to the land. And once your work is completed we’ll return to site and make certain everything is restored to exactly how it was.

To find out more about our land reclamation services or to request a FREE quotation call 01257 610021 or email today.


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